Today I had several moments where I didn't procrastinate a phone call or a doctor's visit, etc. which is a first for me. I love to say that I'll get to it later.
The biggest SGBD moment I had today was with my 19 year old daughter. She has a friend with questionable standards. In the past, they haven't made the best choices when they spend time together alone. I've made it very clear that I just can't put my stamp of approval on this friendship until she and her friend straighten up.
Today, my daughter asked if we could do an experiment. She was invited to the friend's home for a family BBQ and board games. She said that she wouldn't take her car. She would allow me drop her off at the friend's home so I'd know exactly where she was, and if for some reason she would go some where else, she would notify me immediately and keep me posted on her whereabouts and activities. I paused for a moment to listen to my instincts. My head was screaming, "No!," but my gut feeling was to let her go and begin to rebuild her trust with me.
Currently, she is still at the friend's house. She has sent 7 text messages letting me know that they went to the store to buy extra hot dog buns, they stopped at Glades for some sauce, they will actually be around the corner at the grandfather's house for the BBQ, etc, etc.
Normally, I would have listened to my head which was saying, "Absolutely not!" I'm glad that I'm working on being more in tune with my intuition with this SGBD experiment. It's beginning to strengthen the relationships in my home.
Good for you Jennifer. You are doing a super job and what a blessing to have relationships begin to improve.