"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Monday experiences...

We were up late with priming walls last night. So I'm late with my experience. I'm not sure if I can be completely honest...I'll try.

Sunday, I was thinking about my integrity towards myself over my lifetime. It was a feeling of disappointment to a certain extent.

Today,I felt I should tell my husband of a certain cosmetic procedure I've tried twice now (and like) but think I don't need it any longer. I guess this was a SGBD (like the abbreviation here) more a desire to just be honest in my integrity to me and to others. I suppose all my SGBD moments aren't going to be easy. It's the pride stuff. I would like to go forward from here and be able to look back at myself , ans my choices, and feel that I was honest not just with others but with myself.

For example, last night I saw a purple crayon on the floor. I thought I should pick it up. I almost walked past the object when I remembered my personal integrity. I stopped and picked it up.

Thank you ladies for your posts last night. I will pray this morning for SGBD opportunities. I don't think I specifically did that on Monday. I feel very grateful to read about your experiences. I wonder what our communities would be like if we were all consciously trying to follow our SGBD's?

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