It's May 1st!
Welcome to the first of many new beginnings that can occur in your/my life as we listen to the promptings to say, to go, to be, and to do for someone else that God specifically wants us to be a part of for just a moment of our earthly time.

Like that just made sense to you? Oh boy. I'm excited and I'll tell you why. The past couple of days I've thought, "maybe I shouldn't do this", and "maybe I'm wrong to ask people to the challenge", and this one, "will anyone even care?"
Someone will care, I will care. And more importantly I'll be lost of the experiences if I don't follow through with the idea that was presented to me as personal inspiration.
So on with the challenge!!!
I taught the Relief Society lesson today. I made a change and was nervous but I felt it was what I needed to do. I know it was a prompting because of the many sisters who came up afterward to express their thanks. Imagine if I hadn't followed...well frankly, I don't know what would have been different with the lesson but that isn't the point. I felt the goodness of others because I did listen. Good feelings were there.
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