I was getting worried for a minute there since I didn't feel like I was getting any promptings. I've been trying to be still and really listen. Last night and today I had quite a few SGBDs. They were mostly a bunch small things but I was just grateful for the chance to act on them to show my willingness to "earn" the privilege of receiving more.
Here is my favorite one I acted on today. When we lived in New York, our chapel was 20 minutes from our home so anytime there was an activity we always carpooled. That was probably my favorite part of the activities since we had so much fun connecting with each other. I miss that. Today I had a SGBD to call all my neighbors and tell them I'd pick them up and take them the whole 2 blocks to church for a Relief Society meeting. Since it is still cool everyone drives anyway so I just picked everyone up on my street and then another sister who I visit teach that lives a mile or so away. We had so much fun chatting and getting to know each other better. I really needed to connect and I could feel that they did to.
This is a great idea. Good for you Dina.