"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Struggling to feel the spirit.  Struggling to hear those SayGoBeDos.  I did have one a few weeks ago.  I did act upon it.  That was good.

I think I get distracted.  I think I just forget to pray for them.  I suppose that is Satan's way.  Keep us feeling so busy and stressed and discouraged.

Here's to recommitting!

Lisa P.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A SGBD To Not Act....WHAT!

I have been praying for a few weeks now about the daily leaning schedules of our children. I have felt overly active and away from home too much, plus I haven't been sleeping long enough each night and the lack of sleep isn't helping this feeling of having to much happening.
For two weeks I haven't felt any guidance through prayer until the end of last week. I had the idea of what needed to happen come into my mind. It was a SGBD except it came with the "Do" of "be silent and let your son figure this out for himself".
On Monday of this week, Eli decided he wanted to start seminary and focus on Key of Liberty and his writing class through Williamsburg Academy.
Two days ago he told me he felt he should stop attending the class that I felt prompted needed to end. I did not influence Eli at all while I waited for him to figure this out for himself. The answer for me was to be silent and know that God would take this at His pace and at Eli's pace so that Eli could feel the responsibility for his choices and the pressure associated with the choice. Though the class was/is a good choices, it's not the right or best choice for him or us right now.

Now where is that SGBD that tells me how to sleep until at lest 5am instead of 3amish????? Help....It's ok, I  keep praying that longer sleep will come and saying thank you for this experience. But it seems there is something for me to learn.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Chocolate and Balloons

Saturday I needed to go get milk. Avy wanted to go with me and said we should stop at Jade's house. Jade lives on the same street as our cow. Jade is three, too. Jade's mommy has a 1 year old and is 9 months pregnant with number 3. She is due any day now.

I think about how I felt two months ago. Waiting....waiting....hurting...crying....every day feeling like a week.... I just knew that Jade's mommy needed chocolate. So, we went to the store and got some nice dark chocolate (with sea salt--my new favorite.) We also picked up a balloon for each of her children.

We took our goodies to Jade's house. She wasn't home. So, we left the stuff on their porch. I called Jade's mommy when we got back home. She's still pregnant. I offer to watch her children early this week so that she can nap or whatever. Naps can sometimes be more important than chocolate. She says that sounds great.

So, I'm glad I followed this prompting and look forward to serving today or tomorrow.

I am also praying for promptings and to know how to best use my time. It is so limited right now with a newborn and I feel that I do not always use it wisely. Which direction should I go? What is most important for me to be doing right now?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Lord always knows what's going on in my mind

Today is Sunday. Last Sunday I told my wayward daughter that I would be stopping by her house this Sunday morning to invite her to go to church with me. She told me that she'd probably say "no," and I told her that I'd be stopping by anyway at 8 a.m.

At 8:28 a.m. this morning, I finally got out the door. As we drove to church, I realized that there was no way we'd make it to church on time if we stopped at her house on the way, so we drove on. At 8:50 a.m. we pulled into the parking lot. I sat in the car, thinking, for a moment and then asked my husband for the keys, because I felt strongly that I needed to go find my little lost sheep, even if I was late.

Just after 9 a.m., I knocked on her door, twice, before she finally dragged herself out of bed to greet me at the door, shooting visual daggers at my face and telling me "no" when I asked if she'd like to come to church with me. I smiled, kissed her on the cheek and happily hopped back in my car and started driving back to church.

As I was driving, I noticed the time and felt distressed that there was no way I'd make it back to the chapel in time to take the sacrament. The chapel was still 10 minutes away, and it was already 9:15. You have to understand, I really, really like to take the sacrament every week. It's so important to me. As I was stressing over this, I wondered if the Lord would take into consideration that I was on His errand when I didn't make it back in time to take the sacrament. Soon, I realized this was flawed thinking, because the Lord would've gotten out of the house on time and done it before church.

* sigh *

As I was wallowing in my pathetic thoughts, a new thought hit me and hit me hard. I thought, "Look up and pull off at the next chapel you see." My answer to that thought was, "Uh yeah...there aren't any chapels between here and my chapel. I know because I drive this road ALL the time."  Then I saw the steeple and my mouth fell open. Where in the world did that church come from??? Surely, it wasn't there before!

So, I pulled into the first open spot I saw and started running as fast as one can run in 3-inch heels. The chapel wasn't like any I'd seen before which is why I must not have noticed it before. The building didn't even look like a chapel to me, except that steeple sticking out of the top of the trees. Then I thought, "It would be just my luck that this is a Baptist or Presbyterian church." I double checked the side of the building as I "raced" through the parking lot and felt relief as the words "Latter-Day Saints" flashed by. I just wanted to make it in time, at least, for the water.

I flew through the door with my ears straining to hear where they were in the Sacrament Meeting when to my dismay, I hear a language that definitely isn't English. I've cruised right into a language branch. Because I can't tell where we're at in the meeting just by listening, I poked my head into the meeting and realized there are NO seats available in the back, but they are just finishing the prayer on the bread. So, I decide to stand in the foyer and hope they serve in the foyer in this branch. They do.

After the sacrament, I race back to the car and fly back to my chapel. I walk in just as the bishop is opening the testimonies to the congregation.

I sat and realized that despite the trip across town and back and the non-English stop-off, I actually didn't miss any of the really important parts of church. The Lord made it possible for me to run His errand and still make it to all of the important parts of the meetings. It never ceases to amaze me that He is just SO aware of me. He makes me feel like the most important person in the world. He makes me feel like this earth life revolves around me. The neatest part is, He can make everyone feel that way if they let Him.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Many thanks...

Last Saturday night we were camping at our property. I and the girls were having grilled toast with jam as the men of the home went to the Priesthood session of general conference. As we ate, I looked around t the mountain sides with their colors of autumn, and wondered how much longer would we be able to camp. Somewhere in this thinking process, the idea came into my mind to clean up our site tomorrow. I didn't think more on this until Sunday morning when Gove began to ask what we should do. I started talking about how peaceful it is and how I sleep a little better in the fresh air. Suddenly Gove says we should pack up and then I remember the thought I had the night before. We started packing, we didn't miss either session but we did close up for the season.

Our family sat at the dinner table this Wednesday night with grateful hearts and a wonderful example of listening to a prompting to act. Now there is some amount of snow and our tent and outhouse would have been damaged if we decided to not listen to the holy ghost.

We had a nice discussion about working on the Sabbath, listening to say go be do's and being thankful for the wisdom of a loving Heavenly Father who guides when you can't see anything wrong because it's to far out there.

Acting on a thought...

The first of this week, I felt I should take a quick meal to the gal of my last posting at this site. She wasn't home. I left a quick note and thought nothing else of it. A few days later I received a thank you note. It was what she needed that evening.

I just followed the thought.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Did it.

I made the phone call. Left a message. Followed-up with an e-mail. It should have been done months ago, but at least it is done now. Yeah!

How come that was so hard? :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Testing the site.

I just signed up on the right hand side to receive emails when there is a posting. Testing it right now.

...hmmm not working so far.

Hey, it works. I received an email at about 11am with all the post from the day before. On my moblie phone, it looked very nice.

Good luck

Thanks for getting me started!

 Here are some of my recent SGBD's:

 1. Exercise for just 20 minutes a day, not counting stretching. Sounds wimpy I know...but that was my SGBD!  Would you know that I am now LOVING exercise again! I had got out of the habit and it's been years  since I've actually enjoyed it. I trade off days between cardio and weight training and my little 20 minute effort has resulted in less chiropractor visits, better sleep and more energy.

2. In a past conference talk we were told to turn our sympathies to action. That council comes to my mind often when I feel sympathy for another person's situation. Often I can't come close to solving anything and I often feel my offering is less then adequate, but according to the council received in conference, I need to do something.

The impression to do came to me when I was talking to a neighbor and hearing about her financial troubles. I felt impressed to buy her a Grocery store gift certificate. I had a certain amount come to mind. I told my husband about my thoughts but didn't mention the amount. He came up with the same amount. The amount wouldn't come close to what she needed but it could say, 'We love you and God is watching over you'.

 When I gave her the gift this morning I had a chance to hear more of her story. I felt impressed to share what I learned with another friend and  a trail of promptings through other people spread through the neighborhood- which led to a way to get her some bread orders. (She sells homemade bread.) Our ward will be buying her loaves for the RS dinner and also our Christmas dinner. Stake leaders were notified so that other wards can use her for their parties as well. As it turns out, many people following SGBD's led to a way to help my friend way more then my original little gift ever will.

3. I was wanting more overgrown zucchini the other day, if you can imagine that! We usually have more then we can eat. This year however has been different because we have found more ways to eat it that we like and have been dehydrating some as well. I felt impressed to call an 80 year old widow in our ward and ask her if she had any overgrown zucchini that she didn't know what to do with. I am not comfortable asking for things and was going to push the thought aside to avoid the discomfort. I really didn't want her to give me zucchini out of generosity if she would have used it herself.  I thought of the need to act on SGBDs and decided to act on the impression to call.

Her response: "Do I ever! Two of them, big as a sailboat that I don't want to use! Bring your car because they are big!" It turns out that she felt very relieved because she hates things to go to waste. She had been trying to find time to call around to see who might want the zucchini. So , I saved her time, relieved her burden and blessed my family with zucchini!

To top it all off, this morning I find out that my friend who is very sick with her pregnancy is craving zucchini muffins! Now I have plenty of zucchini to make her some.

This is getting fun. Thanks for getting me going!

Was she alive? I didn't know until I followed a say go be do...

Last Thursday morning I was reading from the Book of Mormon to our children, when Jennifer E. called me. She was following a sgbd. How glad I am that she did so. It was what I needed to receive to help me follow on a nagging sgbd that I was ignoring because I was "too busy".

 For the last couple of weeks now I have wondered about a gal I meet through the protest earlier this year. I knew she was to have a baby this summer but I had not seen any post within the hs online sites with her name. I was actually wondering if something might have gone wrong.
Later that same Thursday while driving past her street, I said I had to go see and find out. I turned around and went to the front door. I wasn't even sure if they lived there any more. Luckily for me Michelle was there with a new baby boy just one month old.
What was neat about stopping and visiting, was that Michelle told me how she would like to visit and talk with me and I felt the same way. Sadly our days are busier then is rational but I see that I can have this good woman and her children over for lunch and enjoy an opportunity to talk about government and wonderful books we are both reading and learning from.

Thank you Jennifer for getting me going again.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Here We Go Again! Yeah!

Yeah! Jennifer has invited anyone who wants to, to revisit our SayGoBeDo Challenge. I am so ready for another 30 days of writing about my inspirations. I know we have some friends that are just doing it for the first time, too. I'm excited to hear what everyone is doing to follow the spiritual promptings in their life.

I have really been in a slump as far as inspiration goes. I think it stems from the fact that I received a SGBD about two months ago.... and, I haven't acted on it. Still. Oh, I have all sorts of lovely excuses. Mostly that I'm busy with a newborn... Can't find the phone numbers I need... yada, yada, yada....

(By the way, here is my little newborn, Talia...)

But, I'm ready to get back on track. A few days ago Jennifer mentioned wanting to start again and I knew that is what my life needed right now. I made a promise to Heavenly Father that I would make that phone call after the conference weekend. I've got both phone numbers written on a sticky note on my computer and I'm set to go. I'll let you know when it happens.

So, after I made that promise, I have received AND ACTED on a couple more SGBDs.
  • Yesterday I felt I needed to go outside and talk to Reed. I found him in the back yard. We had a brief conversation. While out there I remembered that I needed to cover some important items with a tarp. I also remembered that our canopy needed to be taken down. We were supposed to get a storm. I took care of these things with Ivan's help and even though it hasn't rained yet, I am prepared when it does. What a relief.
  • I was cleaning up the living room this evening and I know I was inspired to look in the crevices of our black chair. It tends to suck things up and never give them back. I found my dad's wallet! He is visiting from Georgia and had already left to stay at a different home this evening. Not only will he now be able to attend the temple tomorrow morning, but he will also be able to get on his flight back home on Tuesday. I'm so glad I found it!!
So, that is about it. I loved the conference story that Pres. Monson shared about Peter Mourik and the temple dedication. That is the goal, right? Act on those promptings no matter what. Are they hard? Yes. Are they inconvenient? Often. But, oh how beautifully the spirit can work when we listen!


B12 SGBD Project

I'm so excited that so many of you are interested in joining me in this adventure! As mentioned before, please feel free to invite anyone you feel inclined to invited to join us. Thank you, Nicki, for letting us reuse this fabulous page that you created.

My first official SGBD was today during General Conference. My thoughts kept returning to my oldest, prodigal daughter. She'll be 20 on Thursday, and she's so lost. As I watched Conference, I kept thinking that I needed to either send that letter I wrote her a few weeks ago or call her up and apologize for the mistakes I made as a parent while she lived with me. I knew I needed to mean it or I shouldn't say it.

After the first Sunday session, I decided to take the kids for a little walk around the neighborhood to get the mental juices flowing, and, suddenly, it just hit me. I needed to text her and invite her to come watch the second Sunday conference session with us at the house. (insert mental pause here) WHAT?!? This is the kid that proclaims to hate me and the church every time either subject comes up. Yet, I'm suppose to invite her to spend several hours in the same room with me, sitting on my couch, being civil and watching the prophets proclaim the gospel? Are you kidding me??? (another slight pause)


So, I sent the text. After a LONG pause (like an hour) she responded that she would love to, but she wasn't in a very good place in life and didn't feel that she was worthy to watch conference. I responded, "It doesn't matter where you are in life. Just come home." Another long pause....and she replied, "Ok. I'll come over."

At 1:57 pm, she knocked on the door and to everyone's surprise, there she stood in our doorway. My family was floored, because I hadn't exactly mentioned that I'd done this. I wasn't sure that she would really show up, so I kept it to myself.

In the end, she stayed, actually watched Conference, played with my little kids after and ultimately visited with me on the couch for about an hour and a half. I apologized for all the things I could think of to apologize for, and I meant it. I counseled her in things that she needed help with, and she actually listened. Even if nothing with her changes right now, I'm so glad I followed that seemingly crazy SGBD moment.