"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

Friday, October 14, 2011

A SGBD To Not Act....WHAT!

I have been praying for a few weeks now about the daily leaning schedules of our children. I have felt overly active and away from home too much, plus I haven't been sleeping long enough each night and the lack of sleep isn't helping this feeling of having to much happening.
For two weeks I haven't felt any guidance through prayer until the end of last week. I had the idea of what needed to happen come into my mind. It was a SGBD except it came with the "Do" of "be silent and let your son figure this out for himself".
On Monday of this week, Eli decided he wanted to start seminary and focus on Key of Liberty and his writing class through Williamsburg Academy.
Two days ago he told me he felt he should stop attending the class that I felt prompted needed to end. I did not influence Eli at all while I waited for him to figure this out for himself. The answer for me was to be silent and know that God would take this at His pace and at Eli's pace so that Eli could feel the responsibility for his choices and the pressure associated with the choice. Though the class was/is a good choices, it's not the right or best choice for him or us right now.

Now where is that SGBD that tells me how to sleep until at lest 5am instead of 3amish????? Help....It's ok, I  keep praying that longer sleep will come and saying thank you for this experience. But it seems there is something for me to learn.

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