"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A nickel for my thoughts...

Hello Ladies!

Welcome Rebecca, I think this evening was your first posting. I hope you'll introduce yourself and share what brings you to this challenge.

I've been praying since Dezra asked and I have found my requests for Heavenly Fathers help interesting on your behalf's. At times I feel sure what I should pray for. Not clear like a picture, but specific words have come to my mind, general words but somehow they feel right and then the next day it may be different for some and others it's still the same. I hope someone is feeling the added strength of prayers. Once I did have a strong feeling people were praying for me after a terrible post operative infection. It was a comforting feeling that came quickly and left too quickly.

My SGBD's...Yesterday I had a quick thought come into my mind that I should call the sisters at church whom I visit teach and try to visit them today, Sunday. I might have talked myself out of that prior to the challenge. This time I recognized this as a prompting and a right good one indeed. All my evenings are booked this week.  I called and each said I could come. The best part was the desire I had to leave each sister with a prayer. I felt words come to my mind that I should say for each sister and the different situations they are in. It was a nice experience, it was a relief to be finished, and it was nice to talk and not feel rushed.

While attending church today, one of the speakers talked about consecrating our lives.  I started to write in my commonplace book wondering how I might use my Say Go Be Dos to live a more fully consecrated life for our Lord. The example of the rich man in the bible was given and how it was too big of a cost to give up all the worldly riches he had. I think when I've been making excuses to act on these little daily prompting, I'm like that rich man saying it's too hard.

Following my SGBDs is consecrating my time towards the missions Heavenly Father and Jesus want me to move towards and into. Any one reading The Student Whisperer right now? Tiffany talks about getting on "The Path". When I am willing, open, receptive and acting upon my daily inspirations, I'm on The Path towards greatness. Even if the greatness is very very small, it's great that I'm moving in the right direction. What are my missions? To listen to the Lord in all things might be my biggest mission to learn. Gosh, can I take this challenge and turn it into a habit, daily? I know it can be done. Will I accept this type of consecration of my time, talents, energies? Stop being fearful and get out there and learn from mistakes and try it again. It's so crazy to say that I'm taking training this summer for Shakespeare. I don't know where this is going to lead me but I'm following a prompting and it's full of unknowns to me but not to the Lord. I think following my SGBDs is going to help increase my faith.

Have a save, enjoyable, peaceful week. Spring is so nice. Do you notice that the hills are alive with green? Love looking to the east and seeing those beautiful mountains. Take care everyone.


  1. Some things that are usually quite difficult for me came a little bit easier today and it caught me by surprise. Now I know why. Thanks for your prayers.

  2. Hang in there. Though really, I hate hanging in there at times. What else can you do, but wait on the Lord to help in the healing processes.
