"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh boy

This isn't an actual sgbd but I feel I need to just express this feeling that I can't figure out.  I'm sure it's something I will have to be prepared for and thus I won't know any time soon but maybe I can be looking.

Here it goes...

I have a feeling that I need to do something. I can't put my finger on it. I felt a couple of nights ago that I need to learn more about government. But I'm not sure that is what I feel right now. I feel like I need to go and do... something.

I've prayed about it this morning but no comfort for the feeling. It feels like tension in a way but not stress. Perhaps this is a sense of a need to do or MAYBE it's more like a need to become. Become what?, I ask myself.

I felt so uneasy with President Obama saying to Israel that they should have  borders similar to the 1960's. But I don't know why I feel uneasy about this. I feel emotional concerns for my country but I can't pinpoint what it is and I'm more sure that I don't even know myself because I haven't learned it yet.

There it is again! That negative thought " How can I do this when I don't have enough time." Ugh, I don't like having this feeling, so I'm going to get active with YASA stuff and see if it goes away. No, I don't want it to go away necessarily but rather if I can feel guided in some direction to take with this ball of feelings inside of me.


  1. I understand what you mean by the uneasy feeling. I have be plowing through such feeling as well. I am making progress. Pray you are as well.

    What is the YASA?

  2. YASAAT stands for Young American Stateswomen Association. It's a fun club for girls 10-13.
