"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This is not the End

Although my final post, this is not the end. I value what I have learned through this challenge and what each of you have shared. Thank you for organizing, and allowing me to join you.

These last couple of weeks I have felt "deaf" to what I needed to do. Well yesterday, meeting with the school, felt like the final step had been taken to begin the closure. In hind sight, I have been overly anxious to be done with this healing process, but I was rushing others too much. Each needs to go through their own steps and processes one step at a time.

At our CES class this morning we talked about being yoked with our Savior and, while at our side, He will never walk faster than we are able. As we yoke up with our family members and friends, we too need to walk at their pace.

The message I feel, "Be Still and Know that I Am." I am grateful that I have been "stilled", so I can again "know". I don't know how else to sum up where I am now, and why my absence the last couple of weeks.

I am anxious to keep finding the peace as I say go be do!

Thanks again to all.
Have a great summerT

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