"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

Sunday, October 2, 2011

B12 SGBD Project

I'm so excited that so many of you are interested in joining me in this adventure! As mentioned before, please feel free to invite anyone you feel inclined to invited to join us. Thank you, Nicki, for letting us reuse this fabulous page that you created.

My first official SGBD was today during General Conference. My thoughts kept returning to my oldest, prodigal daughter. She'll be 20 on Thursday, and she's so lost. As I watched Conference, I kept thinking that I needed to either send that letter I wrote her a few weeks ago or call her up and apologize for the mistakes I made as a parent while she lived with me. I knew I needed to mean it or I shouldn't say it.

After the first Sunday session, I decided to take the kids for a little walk around the neighborhood to get the mental juices flowing, and, suddenly, it just hit me. I needed to text her and invite her to come watch the second Sunday conference session with us at the house. (insert mental pause here) WHAT?!? This is the kid that proclaims to hate me and the church every time either subject comes up. Yet, I'm suppose to invite her to spend several hours in the same room with me, sitting on my couch, being civil and watching the prophets proclaim the gospel? Are you kidding me??? (another slight pause)


So, I sent the text. After a LONG pause (like an hour) she responded that she would love to, but she wasn't in a very good place in life and didn't feel that she was worthy to watch conference. I responded, "It doesn't matter where you are in life. Just come home." Another long pause....and she replied, "Ok. I'll come over."

At 1:57 pm, she knocked on the door and to everyone's surprise, there she stood in our doorway. My family was floored, because I hadn't exactly mentioned that I'd done this. I wasn't sure that she would really show up, so I kept it to myself.

In the end, she stayed, actually watched Conference, played with my little kids after and ultimately visited with me on the couch for about an hour and a half. I apologized for all the things I could think of to apologize for, and I meant it. I counseled her in things that she needed help with, and she actually listened. Even if nothing with her changes right now, I'm so glad I followed that seemingly crazy SGBD moment.


  1. Wow. What a blessing. What a hard thing for you to do. How wonderful! I'm so glad you have inspired me to be more receptive. Looking forward to more SGBDs.

  2. Terrific! Thank you for sharing your wonderful blessing.

  3. Oh Jennifer, I have tears in my eyes. Thank you for sharing this experience! Wow how wonderful to follow through.
