"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Funny my last post, which seems eons ago after reading all of your inspiring posts, I said I was just getting warmed up...not so. My week got started and it seemed by the end of each day I was questioning if I had any at all. One day I remember getting the thought that I should take my husband his re-warmed dinner plate just to show him I was thinking about him. Other than that I was not warming up but completely COLD as far as SGBDs were concerned.

Then I sat down yesterday to prepare my Sunday School lesson and I was literally flooded with inspiration. I knew the personal story I would share, how to organize my lesson, and what illustrations I would use. I had been preparing all week in study and prayer, so the inspiration didn't surprise me until I stopped to ask myself, how much time have I put into receiving SGBDs? Honestly not much.

I think it's more than asking for them though. I think the promptings are there everyday regardless, it is whether we are STILL enough to hear and recognize them. This week as I taught the kids, I recognized many times I just knew what to do next with them (not always ; ) and if I slowed to really think about it, those little bursts of inspiration were SGBDs.

To answer Nickie's question: I do have a notebook for SGBDs but I haven't been faithful in using it. This week my goal is to BE STILL and record my SGBDs in my journal.

Happy Mother's Day! And thanks Lisa for emailing me--I needed to be remembered : )

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