"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Last night I thought about how nice it was going to be to get up Sunday morning and not have to work. I was up after 6am, went to my quiet room to ponder, pray, and see were I felt prompted to go this morning. I've been trying a technique of meditation that a helpful woman shared with me. I was meditating and at times I felt nothing. At other times I fear the ideas coming to my mind are just mine. And at other times I feel completely directed. What I felt this morning was that those times when I think it might just me my own thoughts, they really aren't. These simple ideas that have come and did come today are just what I need at those times. Today it was to read my patriarchal blessing, write a thank you note, read my scriptures, it didn't matter where, go to the temple this week, and  a few little personal things. It was nice to slow down and try to feel, to express my gratitude, to imagine being at the feet of my Savior asking for guidance and a blessing,imagining what that might feel like and picturing it occur in my mind.
Why the morning was so nice, Gove told me I had 20 minutes before church started! "What I said, it was just 7:30 a few minutes a go". And to think, I only missed the opening hymn.
Will I be willing to receive and act upon inspiration this week? Will I slow my day so I can hear?  I have a few extra booklets I sewed together recently, it's flat and easy to keep in my purse. I'm going to write my sgbd items down before I forget like happened this past week.

Good luck ladies...

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