"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing.
Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."

Leonardo da Vinci

Thursday, May 19, 2011

new outlook

So, I'm really getting going on this now... I'm looking at things differently, I'm thinking about things differently, I'm responding differently, things are just... different. I feel more faith - more trust - I realized something today or yesterday... As I've considered this planning issue, I've thought about how God is a planner and has the Plan of Happiness, etc. And, as it says in my patriarchal blessing... has a plan for me. So, I've always thought that that means I need to be a planner, because God is (and I was pretty good at it.) Well, it dawned on me that - although I had good intentions and wanted God to guide me in my planning, what I really need to do is just realize that the plan is already made. I don't need to make a new one. What I need to do and focus on - is following the plan. And the way I do that is by following the creator of The Plan... of MY plan. WOW!! that is SO liberating!! (ps I feel nervous that people will think that I'm saying this is the only good way to do things... please know that this is not what I am saying. I am learning some important things for my path... for me. Some people may actually benefit from doing MORE planning... :) So, thank you for listening to these discoveries about myself.)

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