Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do."
Leonardo da Vinci
Sunday, October 30, 2011
I think I get distracted. I think I just forget to pray for them. I suppose that is Satan's way. Keep us feeling so busy and stressed and discouraged.
Here's to recommitting!
Lisa P.
Friday, October 14, 2011
A SGBD To Not Act....WHAT!
For two weeks I haven't felt any guidance through prayer until the end of last week. I had the idea of what needed to happen come into my mind. It was a SGBD except it came with the "Do" of "be silent and let your son figure this out for himself".
On Monday of this week, Eli decided he wanted to start seminary and focus on Key of Liberty and his writing class through Williamsburg Academy.
Two days ago he told me he felt he should stop attending the class that I felt prompted needed to end. I did not influence Eli at all while I waited for him to figure this out for himself. The answer for me was to be silent and know that God would take this at His pace and at Eli's pace so that Eli could feel the responsibility for his choices and the pressure associated with the choice. Though the class was/is a good choices, it's not the right or best choice for him or us right now.
Now where is that SGBD that tells me how to sleep until at lest 5am instead of 3amish????? Help....It's ok, I keep praying that longer sleep will come and saying thank you for this experience. But it seems there is something for me to learn.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Chocolate and Balloons
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The Lord always knows what's going on in my mind
At 8:28 a.m. this morning, I finally got out the door. As we drove to church, I realized that there was no way we'd make it to church on time if we stopped at her house on the way, so we drove on. At 8:50 a.m. we pulled into the parking lot. I sat in the car, thinking, for a moment and then asked my husband for the keys, because I felt strongly that I needed to go find my little lost sheep, even if I was late.
Just after 9 a.m., I knocked on her door, twice, before she finally dragged herself out of bed to greet me at the door, shooting visual daggers at my face and telling me "no" when I asked if she'd like to come to church with me. I smiled, kissed her on the cheek and happily hopped back in my car and started driving back to church.
As I was driving, I noticed the time and felt distressed that there was no way I'd make it back to the chapel in time to take the sacrament. The chapel was still 10 minutes away, and it was already 9:15. You have to understand, I really, really like to take the sacrament every week. It's so important to me. As I was stressing over this, I wondered if the Lord would take into consideration that I was on His errand when I didn't make it back in time to take the sacrament. Soon, I realized this was flawed thinking, because the Lord would've gotten out of the house on time and done it before church.
* sigh *
As I was wallowing in my pathetic thoughts, a new thought hit me and hit me hard. I thought, "Look up and pull off at the next chapel you see." My answer to that thought was, "Uh yeah...there aren't any chapels between here and my chapel. I know because I drive this road ALL the time." Then I saw the steeple and my mouth fell open. Where in the world did that church come from??? Surely, it wasn't there before!
So, I pulled into the first open spot I saw and started running as fast as one can run in 3-inch heels. The chapel wasn't like any I'd seen before which is why I must not have noticed it before. The building didn't even look like a chapel to me, except that steeple sticking out of the top of the trees. Then I thought, "It would be just my luck that this is a Baptist or Presbyterian church." I double checked the side of the building as I "raced" through the parking lot and felt relief as the words "Latter-Day Saints" flashed by. I just wanted to make it in time, at least, for the water.
I flew through the door with my ears straining to hear where they were in the Sacrament Meeting when to my dismay, I hear a language that definitely isn't English. I've cruised right into a language branch. Because I can't tell where we're at in the meeting just by listening, I poked my head into the meeting and realized there are NO seats available in the back, but they are just finishing the prayer on the bread. So, I decide to stand in the foyer and hope they serve in the foyer in this branch. They do.
After the sacrament, I race back to the car and fly back to my chapel. I walk in just as the bishop is opening the testimonies to the congregation.
I sat and realized that despite the trip across town and back and the non-English stop-off, I actually didn't miss any of the really important parts of church. The Lord made it possible for me to run His errand and still make it to all of the important parts of the meetings. It never ceases to amaze me that He is just SO aware of me. He makes me feel like the most important person in the world. He makes me feel like this earth life revolves around me. The neatest part is, He can make everyone feel that way if they let Him.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Many thanks...
Our family sat at the dinner table this Wednesday night with grateful hearts and a wonderful example of listening to a prompting to act. Now there is some amount of snow and our tent and outhouse would have been damaged if we decided to not listen to the holy ghost.
We had a nice discussion about working on the Sabbath, listening to say go be do's and being thankful for the wisdom of a loving Heavenly Father who guides when you can't see anything wrong because it's to far out there.
Acting on a thought...
I just followed the thought.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Did it.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Testing the site.
...hmmm not working so far.
Hey, it works. I received an email at about 11am with all the post from the day before. On my moblie phone, it looked very nice.
Good luck
Thanks for getting me started!
1. Exercise for just 20 minutes a day, not counting stretching. Sounds wimpy I know...but that was my SGBD! Would you know that I am now LOVING exercise again! I had got out of the habit and it's been years since I've actually enjoyed it. I trade off days between cardio and weight training and my little 20 minute effort has resulted in less chiropractor visits, better sleep and more energy.
2. In a past conference talk we were told to turn our sympathies to action. That council comes to my mind often when I feel sympathy for another person's situation. Often I can't come close to solving anything and I often feel my offering is less then adequate, but according to the council received in conference, I need to do something.
The impression to do came to me when I was talking to a neighbor and hearing about her financial troubles. I felt impressed to buy her a Grocery store gift certificate. I had a certain amount come to mind. I told my husband about my thoughts but didn't mention the amount. He came up with the same amount. The amount wouldn't come close to what she needed but it could say, 'We love you and God is watching over you'.
When I gave her the gift this morning I had a chance to hear more of her story. I felt impressed to share what I learned with another friend and a trail of promptings through other people spread through the neighborhood- which led to a way to get her some bread orders. (She sells homemade bread.) Our ward will be buying her loaves for the RS dinner and also our Christmas dinner. Stake leaders were notified so that other wards can use her for their parties as well. As it turns out, many people following SGBD's led to a way to help my friend way more then my original little gift ever will.
3. I was wanting more overgrown zucchini the other day, if you can imagine that! We usually have more then we can eat. This year however has been different because we have found more ways to eat it that we like and have been dehydrating some as well. I felt impressed to call an 80 year old widow in our ward and ask her if she had any overgrown zucchini that she didn't know what to do with. I am not comfortable asking for things and was going to push the thought aside to avoid the discomfort. I really didn't want her to give me zucchini out of generosity if she would have used it herself. I thought of the need to act on SGBDs and decided to act on the impression to call.
Her response: "Do I ever! Two of them, big as a sailboat that I don't want to use! Bring your car because they are big!" It turns out that she felt very relieved because she hates things to go to waste. She had been trying to find time to call around to see who might want the zucchini. So , I saved her time, relieved her burden and blessed my family with zucchini!
To top it all off, this morning I find out that my friend who is very sick with her pregnancy is craving zucchini muffins! Now I have plenty of zucchini to make her some.
This is getting fun. Thanks for getting me going!
Was she alive? I didn't know until I followed a say go be do...
For the last couple of weeks now I have wondered about a gal I meet through the protest earlier this year. I knew she was to have a baby this summer but I had not seen any post within the hs online sites with her name. I was actually wondering if something might have gone wrong.
Later that same Thursday while driving past her street, I said I had to go see and find out. I turned around and went to the front door. I wasn't even sure if they lived there any more. Luckily for me Michelle was there with a new baby boy just one month old.
What was neat about stopping and visiting, was that Michelle told me how she would like to visit and talk with me and I felt the same way. Sadly our days are busier then is rational but I see that I can have this good woman and her children over for lunch and enjoy an opportunity to talk about government and wonderful books we are both reading and learning from.
Thank you Jennifer for getting me going again.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Here We Go Again! Yeah!
- Yesterday I felt I needed to go outside and talk to Reed. I found him in the back yard. We had a brief conversation. While out there I remembered that I needed to cover some important items with a tarp. I also remembered that our canopy needed to be taken down. We were supposed to get a storm. I took care of these things with Ivan's help and even though it hasn't rained yet, I am prepared when it does. What a relief.
- I was cleaning up the living room this evening and I know I was inspired to look in the crevices of our black chair. It tends to suck things up and never give them back. I found my dad's wallet! He is visiting from Georgia and had already left to stay at a different home this evening. Not only will he now be able to attend the temple tomorrow morning, but he will also be able to get on his flight back home on Tuesday. I'm so glad I found it!!
B12 SGBD Project
My first official SGBD was today during General Conference. My thoughts kept returning to my oldest, prodigal daughter. She'll be 20 on Thursday, and she's so lost. As I watched Conference, I kept thinking that I needed to either send that letter I wrote her a few weeks ago or call her up and apologize for the mistakes I made as a parent while she lived with me. I knew I needed to mean it or I shouldn't say it.
After the first Sunday session, I decided to take the kids for a little walk around the neighborhood to get the mental juices flowing, and, suddenly, it just hit me. I needed to text her and invite her to come watch the second Sunday conference session with us at the house. (insert mental pause here) WHAT?!? This is the kid that proclaims to hate me and the church every time either subject comes up. Yet, I'm suppose to invite her to spend several hours in the same room with me, sitting on my couch, being civil and watching the prophets proclaim the gospel? Are you kidding me??? (another slight pause)
So, I sent the text. After a LONG pause (like an hour) she responded that she would love to, but she wasn't in a very good place in life and didn't feel that she was worthy to watch conference. I responded, "It doesn't matter where you are in life. Just come home." Another long pause....and she replied, "Ok. I'll come over."
At 1:57 pm, she knocked on the door and to everyone's surprise, there she stood in our doorway. My family was floored, because I hadn't exactly mentioned that I'd done this. I wasn't sure that she would really show up, so I kept it to myself.
In the end, she stayed, actually watched Conference, played with my little kids after and ultimately visited with me on the couch for about an hour and a half. I apologized for all the things I could think of to apologize for, and I meant it. I counseled her in things that she needed help with, and she actually listened. Even if nothing with her changes right now, I'm so glad I followed that seemingly crazy SGBD moment.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
In Progress
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Final Thoughts
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
This is not the End
My Final Post
During the last two weeks, I've had a lot of the common ones like make a phone call, send a note, send a text, spend time right now with a specific child, read this book, but my most memorable experience was with "the neighbors" know the ones.
I just couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to do something else other than bake the bread that, obviously, only worked on me. My neighbor is great at making her yard look lovely with all the things she plants in her flower beds. I stood on my back deck and looked at my backyard full of dandelions (which I happen to like because they are such a vibrant yellow) and figured that she probably finds my yard aesthetically unappealing. If I was an avid yard-person, I'd hate looking at my backyard. I am limited in what I can do, because I've chosen to rent. (My landlord isn't interested in me doing anything permanent inside and out.) I decided that my yard was my next weapon of choice in this saga.
I built some gardening boxes that just sit on top of the bald spots of the yard, filled them with dirt and planted some fruits and veggies I got at a nursery. Then it came to me that I should buy some deck hanging baskets for flowers and herbs. I figured she's like looking at my flowers when she and her husband sat out at night on their deck. I knew that I couldn't punch holes in the deck railings, so I researched the heck outta those deck baskets and found ones that simply slide onto the railing without any hardware. When I saw them, I knew she'd just love them.
My lovely deck baskets showed up on May 18. I was outside planting them when suddenly the neighbors came out their back door to head down to plant their garden boxes. The old man just looked at me with his usual glare and the woman actually spoke to me for the first time in the 18 months I've lived here. She said, "Where did you get those baskets? I like those. They are alright!" I caught myself staring at her with my mouth hanging open. I felt like I was in the movies. It was so silly. I quickly regained my composure and was able to answer her.
From there, she starts telling me where I can buy cheap fertilized dirt and about how sad she is that she's lost her favorite rose bush this year. As I continued planting my deck baskets, I was sneaking peeks at her planting her seeds in her garden. Then I remembered that I'd accidentally bought WAY too many onion starts, so I decided to offer them to her. She accepted.
The next day, my daughter came in with a very concerned look on her face and said, "Mom, something is going on. The neighbor lady just smiled and said hi to me."
Therefore, I've determined that the way to my heart is food. They way to her's is plants. I need to remember to speak the "love language" of those around me to get the results I'm hoping for. I already knew that, but I suppose I just needed a reminder course.
Thank you, Nickie, for including me in this project. What an incredible group of women you are. I'm proud to call you my friends.
Just Keep Trying...
Anyway, I'm trying to think about how wonderful Heavenly Father is, that he doesn't force me. Will I beat myself or force others? I'm trying to listen in this area better.
Good luck in all of your righteous endeavors ladies.
Thank you for taking the Say Go Be Do challenge.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
It's Not Really The End...

It's been a little quieter then I had hoped over the past two weeks. Yet I understand we are busy mothers and I feel, like Dina, that we are using our awareness more actively to recognize promptings.

Friday morning I awoke just after 5:30am and my first thought was that the bicycles need to be fixed. I told Gove this and he and the kids (mostly Eli) had a bike for each of us ready to go by 11am. I felt that Gove recognized this as a prompting and he was willing to help see it fulfilled.
My last post called Oh Boy, spoke of uneasy feelings. Later that afternoon I spoke with Mattia's dyslexia instructors to clarify the summer schedule and Tia's progress with other children in her class. At the end of our conversation I felt some of my tension/uneasiness dissipate. What a relief. I still feel the need to learn proper principles of government. I was stumped until last night about what it was I'm feeling to learn about government. It's the principles!
Ladies, I hope you will end this challenge will a post regarding what you have gained in understanding of yourself, following promptings and the challenges to do so. I don't know, just share your closing thoughts. It is my plan to make a booklet for each of us as a keepsake.
Thank you for participating.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Oh boy
Here it goes...
I have a feeling that I need to do something. I can't put my finger on it. I felt a couple of nights ago that I need to learn more about government. But I'm not sure that is what I feel right now. I feel like I need to go and do... something.
I've prayed about it this morning but no comfort for the feeling. It feels like tension in a way but not stress. Perhaps this is a sense of a need to do or MAYBE it's more like a need to become. Become what?, I ask myself.
I felt so uneasy with President Obama saying to Israel that they should have borders similar to the 1960's. But I don't know why I feel uneasy about this. I feel emotional concerns for my country but I can't pinpoint what it is and I'm more sure that I don't even know myself because I haven't learned it yet.
There it is again! That negative thought " How can I do this when I don't have enough time." Ugh, I don't like having this feeling, so I'm going to get active with YASA stuff and see if it goes away. No, I don't want it to go away necessarily but rather if I can feel guided in some direction to take with this ball of feelings inside of me.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
My Paper
I wrote a paper for a class I took and I would like to share it since it has to do with SGBDs and is a result of following one. Please don't feel obligated to read it all since it is rather lengthy, but you know how you take greater care to express yourself well when you have a larger audience. I needed that positive peer pressure : ) Thanks again ladies for who you are!
The Principle of Preparation
My eyelids pop open with the realization that today promises to be an impossible day. The tasks before me loom like an ominous, dark cloud and that familiar feeling of dread begins to creep into my being. My feet barely hit the floor before to-dos tumble around in my mind: home school, chores, morning routine, laundry, Liberty Girls, basketball practice, drama class, and the decision of what to make for dinner that would be easy, quick and healthy, knowing we have little food to work with because I need to go shopping. Just the thought makes me want to lie back down and pull the covers over my head.
We’ve all had those days where it is not humanly possible to squeeze in all that we think we need to accomplish. Yet there are people who seem to pull it off. Mr. Gilbreth in Cheaper by the Dozen achieves record time as his family prepares for an outing or when all twelve children are dressed, the morning routine done like clockwork. What is the difference? Why can some seem to accomplish so much in little time while others scramble to keep their heads on straight?
Some may argue that having systems in place ensure the Gilbreth family success with the to-dos in a family of fourteen. While certainly systems account for their time breaking records, I wish to explore an even more fundamental level of his accomplishments—preparation. In Webster’s Dictionary the word “prepare” is defined as “to make ready beforehand for some purpose, use or activity” and also “to put in a proper state of mind.” The motion study expert and father of twelve had to identify what end result he desired and then prepare a system that would answer that end. He spent time teaching and drilling the children to respond quickly when asked. His whole profession involved an in-depth study of the most efficient way to carry out tasks and then spent his time preparing his subjects to execute at that level.
The definition “to make ready beforehand for some purpose” calls to mind another large family on the other side of the globe. Imagine for a moment that you are in the countryside surrounding Salzburg, Austria in the early 1940s on Easter Sunday. “This morning, when the families walk to church, you see them carrying bundles large and small. On the Sunday of Sundays even the food which will be on the table later for sumptuous Easter breakfast is blessed [by the priest]. The father carries the big ham, the mother, the artistically baked Easter bread with raisins popping out all over, and the children are entrusted with the basketsful of Easter eggs and little dishes of salt.” In The Story of the Trapp Family Singers, Maria Augusta Trapp details how all this food is then blessed by the priest.
In our day and age we would scoff at all that extra work while chiding to “keep it simple”. However the longer I consider the Catholics in Austria, the more I realize the “extra” work they did was a form of worship, a way to adore the Lord for His ultimate sacrifice. They spent the beginning of Easter holidays in “feverish” spring cleaning mirroring the internal cleansing that occurs during Lent. Everything they did during the Easter season symbolized their adoration for the Lord.
The Austrian Easter ceremony caused me to reflect on the scriptures. What does God have to say about the topic of preparation? The entire mission of John the Baptist was to “prepare” the way of the Lord. Why was his calling so important? What would cause the Lord to say to the multitudes about John, “But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. For this is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist…” (Matthew 11:9-11)?
These questions lead to more which in turn lead me to the answer for which I seek. What if John the Baptist never came? What would have happened when the Lord came into the world? I can imagine that the people would not be, using Webster’s words, “put in the proper state of mind.” There is that theme again, anticipating or preparing for the Lord is part of worshipping him. The people needed to know he was coming so they would be ready to accept him as their Savior.
Another prophet spent a good portion of his life preparing. “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world…” (Hebrews 11:7) Not only did he build the physical structure, he gathered two of every animal, seeds and food, not to mention preparing his family for the impending journey. Noah showed his great faith by acting when the Lord commanded. Each act of preparation must have been for Noah an act of faith, a way to worship God.
Just as God commanded Noah, He has given us commandments that if we heed can allow us to show our faith in Him. In Doctrine and Covenants 85:3 it states, “He may tithe his people to prepare them.” How is living the law of the tithe preparation? By sacrificing we learn to a small degree to be like the Savior who sacrificed His life. We will also be prepared to live the law of consecration. God teaches his children in Doctrine and Covenants 38:30, “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.” We can find comfort in preparing for emergencies, storing food, saving money for a rainy day and doing our family history. Many of God’s commandments share an element of preparation since the scriptures tell us that “this life is a time to prepare to meet God.” (Alma 12:24) By preparing we can show our love and devotion to God. We are promised that “eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
We get a glimpse of these blessings in the temple. Everything we do in the temple has to do with preparation. The ordinances help prepare us and others to return to live with our Heavenly Father. Once while living in New York I arrived just in time, but rushed to a temple session. My mind was racing with everything I needed to do before I could enter the endowment room. Later as I sat pondering how I treated a trip to the Lord’s holy house, I was struck by my lack of devotion. My mind was not clear and ready to worship or receive much needed revelation. I vowed to be better prepared when attending the temple. Around that same time, a sweet, elderly sister taught us how to care for our temple clothes. As I did as she had taught and washed my temple clothes, I was again struck at how even preparing to enter the temple is a form of worship.
Formally worshipping the Lord in the temple obviously shows our faith and devotion, but does the principle of preparation apply temporally? How does the Gilbreth children executing record time in anticipation of an outing show adoration to the Lord? Everyone is given the same amount of time in this life. We are stewards over that time. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. counsels, “Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” By using the time we have been given wisely, we can in effect show our respect to the Giver of the gift.
Attitude and awareness are the defining elements. The manner in which I prepare a meal for my family, prepare clothes by doing the laundry, or prepare my children for bedtime can show my adoration and faith if I do so with an attitude of devotion. Making time for each activity throughout my week creates space: space to love and play with my children, space to pray, space to hear and act upon promptings. This space can potentially eliminate impatience, hurrying, tardiness, frustration and the destructive effects to relationships and our personal state of being these negative experiences can cause. By using the time God has given me in an efficient way, I can show my gratitude and respect. I will become an instrument in the Lord’s hands available to His inspiration and guidance. No longer will I crawl back in bed defeated, I will welcome each day with peace and confidence. It’s about time.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Let's See....
- A neighbor needed some cash to buy gas and came over to humbly ask for money. John happened to have some extra cash in his wallet. He was able to help. He said he just got some extra "cash back" at the grocery store. I believe he was inspired.
- Another neighbor gave me a little sugary treat with a cute little uplifting note. I really needed the lift and was touched that she remembered me. (I have had some major ups and downs with this pregnancy--it's nice to be thought of.)
- I was at the bookmobile the other day and I happened to notice an unusual book on a high shelf. I grabbed it before I checked out. It is called "Radical Homemakers". I've started reading it and it really speaks to me. Also, when I purchased the SGBD book, I also felt inspired to buy a book about "Gandhi". I'm almost finished with it. He is an amazing man. Even thought I haven't felt up to "DO"ing much, I've been reading a lot and it seems as if my mind is changing and opening up to new possibilities. I guess I am "BE"ing moved to higher thinking.
Where in the world...
Where in the world have I been? Well last week I had the opportunity to take a vacation with my husband to Portland, OR where incidentally it was sunny and warm my entire stay, not a drop of rain : ) I didn't look at, touch, think about or even glance in the direction of a computer so I haven't posted, BUT I have had some neat experiences.
Before I left I had the impression to take the Now & Later candies I had confiscated from my 3-year old out of my jean pockets when I took them off, but somehow I let it slip my mind. I should have taken them out then and NOT later since now I have a melted candy stain in my back pocket. I WILL learn to be conscientious!!
On my trip one day Richard had a business meeting and I wanted to hole up in my hotel room, but I had a SGBD to go out shopping with some spouses of Richard's colleagues. I really didn't want to but I did anyway and had a wonderful time. I really enjoyed getting to know these ladies better and we had a blast.
Yesterday I had a SGBD to take my middle child aside and give her some individual attention. I gave her a manicure minus the polish and told her about the dog named Chester at the cottage we stayed in at the beginning of our trip. She was frustrated about a poem she was memorizing and the alone time seemed to soothe her and meet her needs.
Last night I was helping the children finish their kitchen jobs after dinner and I had a SGBD to make my 5-year old's job more fun. Fun speaks to him. I told him we were the guardians of the floor (like Ga'Hoole) and after we swept it together we swooped down with a cleaning wipe and cleaned any stains. He stayed and worked with me the whole time and finished the job (not the norm...yet : )
Monday, May 23, 2011
Easier to Trust
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Agency: Essential to the Plan of Life.
Because I was late getting ready this morning, I was reading his message during Sacrament. It struck me how agency is all about following promptings to act and of course about making choices. Thinking about my sgbd's I read this:
I thought about you ladies last night wondering how you are doing in your lives, how things are going for each of you and what I might prayer for on your behalves. Keep me in your prayers too, I'm having a time with negative thoughts and failure right now. Does that happen more when you take responsibility for educating and morally teaching your children and then seeing them with poor character development that you most likely gave them?? It feels hard right now. But I know there is a sunny day around the corner. I need to look to the words of search, pray, believe, repent and forgive as well as just keep trying.
Thoughts from Say Go Be Do
Friday, May 20, 2011
When dealing with teens, texting can be heaven sent
I've noticed that she's been very moody and distant with me lately. Circumstantial or not, it seems to be a problem. I was going to ask her what's up, but I figured that I'd get the usual "Nothing." in response. Then, it came to me that I should just text her. Texting is so...what's the word?...superficial?... yet in the case, it got the job done.
Here's the message I sent. "Just thinking about you this morning. Hope you're having a good day. Good luck in your game tonight. Love you."
Her response was almost immediate. "Thank you, Mum. I love you, too. :) "
A smiley face and a British-style "Mum" from her is a big deal. Perhaps, I won't ask if something is wrong. I think I'll just chalk this one up as "18 and hormonal." I figure that if I just keep killing it with kindness, eventually, she'll have to like me. :)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
I also felt like I should buy myself a Single with everything - no catsup (sugar) and no cheese (probably fake). I probably needed it. It was expensive. but... I took a deep breath, closed my eyes (literally :) ) and I did it. And with the blood sugar issues I deal with... Things probably turned out better than if I hadn't (even though it probably wasn't the healthiest thing to eat) again... I was following my plan...
At the post office, I was going to leave my purse in the car - I usually do (We live in a very small town) - but I felt like I should bring it in. I did - and I ended up needing it.
At my Mom's house, I told my daughter to bring her drama stuff in with her. She asked me if I thought she'd need it, I told her I didn't know, that "it just came to me" - so, she did and she ended up needing it.
I don't worry about things as much as I used to. I'm trusting a lot more. and I really like how it feels.
new outlook
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I Did It...
When I was finished I felt freer, more energy and excited to go on with the day. It was an interesting feeling to be aware of. I liked this sensation and I now see I was a little burdened with the clutter of not acting on my mind or in my heart, I'm not sure which. Now there is peace in that little spot inside me.
Thank you.
I Can't Hear You!!
- I felt prompted a long time ago to invite a member of our ward over for dinner when his wife was out of town. I had all sorts of excuses and didn't do it. Well, his wife went out of town again. This time for over a month. I got the same prompting and followed through. We had him over last night and it was great. Next time we shall have them both over, but at least I'm finally "listening".
- I had to go into "town" on Monday. I had a couple of errands that needed to be taken care of, but felt I was missing something. I prayed for guidance and was led to remember several other things that needed taken care of. I'm glad I remembered instead of having to take two trips.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The Greatest Planner of All
Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of — throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.
Though this quote is used to explain adversity (when bad things happen to good people), I think it can apply to us as we work to follow the promptings, or SGBDs, as they come. Our plans may be good, but God's plans are always better, in fact they are the best.
In D&C 46: 7 we learn a pattern for receiving inspiration:
But ye are commanded in all things to ask of God, who giveth liberally; and that which the Spirit testifies unto you even so I would that ye should do in all holiness of heart, walking uprightly before me, considering the end of your salvation, doing all things with prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may not be seduced by evil spirits, or doctrines of devils, or the commandments of men; for some are of men, and others of devils.
Section 47 expresses the will of the Lord relative to governing and conducting church meetings. However, I think that verse seven can be applied anytime we seek the Lord's guidance. This is how we become subcontractors in His work of making each of into a "palace" fit for Him to inhabit.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Just a thought...
Rebecca, I'm with you on wanting to act on sgbd's that come to your mind. They are prompting from our Lord. I wanted to share what I read in The Student Whisperer that is taken from Suzuki who is writing about his reading of Tolstoy's Diary:
I'm not sure this will help you Rebecca. It's helping me to be acting with more conscious awareness. I think this is a journey of the building of our faith and a matter of trust between ourselves and the Lord. Trust is built as we consecrate our time to act upon these ideas, these sudden insights/epiphanies or ah ha's (is that correct?). What I said may not be logical but it seems to work in my mind. Good luck this week.
introduction to why...
Here are my venting thoughts I wrote this morning.... I hope they make sense...
I remember I used to spend a long time getting ready in the mornings making myself look nice. -well, not just nice, I had to look “JUST right” It took a long time, I was often late, and I put too much emphasis on it. It was not a healthy priority. I placed too much of my self worth on it.
Then I met someone - a boy - we got pretty serious - (no didn’t marry him...) and he taught me that I am still beautiful without all of that do up and that that is not the most important thing, nor is it the best part about me.
Well, I kind of went to the other extreme. I was not super sloppy or anything, and I still showered and kept myself clean - but sometimes I didn’t even wear makeup and if I didn’t have makeup on - I was ok with going out into public..... and since I’ve gotten married and especially since my pregnancies where I couldn’t do much at all (my appearance was certainly not a priority at that time. It was hard enough just to shower - because of how sick I was feeling.) So, my looking “JUST right” is no longer an issue - and I often wonder if it should be more of an issue. It does feel better when I look nice (which standard is not as high as it used to be.) But now that I’m in a different stage of life, it is easier to do a little more to my appearance - and I have been - and it feels good.
---------------------------------Well, I seem now, to be going through a similar thing with planning. I’ve been a big time planner - and have found it difficult to do things when they weren’t planned. A lot of the time, I would get a lot done - but there were too many times when the things I planned didn’t happen at all, because circumstances changed or needs changed or I had planned too much or I was too tired to carry it out - and it seems I would spend quite a bit of time planning. I enjoyed the planning process and I enjoyed thinking and feeling like I could get all these things done - and like I could do all these things this way...
(*Note: And my planning was based on pretty good priorities. They weren’t just to do lists. I wanted to spend time with my kids, my husband, my scriptures, service.... etc. I wanted to lay out my life into a balanced schedule. I don’t just want to get a lot done.. I want to live my life in my priorities. I want to put first things first. -- that’s what I want the most.)
Marrying my husband added a new aspect to that, because he is NOT a planner. And after trying to plan things with him many times over the years, I have come to accept his way of doing things (for him). But I would still do MY planning...
He is certainly much less stressed than I am (stress is something I have way too much of - which causes headaches, etc....)- yet I get more done than he does - and spend more time on my priorities than he does. (There are other factors as well, that don’t need to be mentioned here.) So watching him has got me thinking...
My sister, Ronell, is also a “non-planner”. (Which I didn’t realize until recently.) And she gets A LOT done. (and of course, again, there are other factors here...) We’ve talked about it a couple of times just recently and she doesn’t plan. She just lives life based on how she feels - or on ideas that come to her mind - usually without question or doubt. And of course, she tries to repent, pray, read her scriptures and go to the temple regularly - which qualifies her to have the Spirit with her. And she loves it this way. She feels like she does the things she is supposed to in the day (of course, “human-ness” taken into account...)
So, just recently I have let go of a lot of my planning. (Similar to my appearance example above.) It’s been really nice and it’s been not so nice.
I’ve been less stressed
I’ve gotten less done (some of them priorities too -)
I also seem to feel less drive... (does that come with stress?) and maybe even less direction and purpose...?
I have been wanting to follow the Spirit. To receive and recognize promptings and follow them. There is soo much (information, ideas, stuff, methods, opinions.....) - I KNOW the Lord knows what my first things are and when they need to be done. I KNOW he knows HOW I should spend my time - WHEN it would be best to do things - what things it would be best TO do - what things are NOT worth my time..... etc.
I would LOVE to just live according to His guidance. Like this.... I get a prompting to_____ and I go to it. Then I get a prompting to________________ and I go do it... Then at the end of the day - though EVERYthing is not done... the most important things happened and I KNOW the most important things happened - so I feel peace with the way I spent my time, the things I did do and the things that are not done. I know that I followed the Lord that day.
Now, I know that it may not be as easy as all that. There may be things the Lord wants me to do that are hard, “embarassing”, out of my comfort zone, don’t make sense......... But if I could do it the way I described - in spite of these challenges - that would be so awesome!!! I would LOVE that!!! Because I am so completely confident that the Lord’s way IS the BEST way.
-------------------------------So, now, a couple of questions...
1) is this realistic? Is it possible for it to work this way? Is this something that the Lord DOES? The scriptures say that the Lord does not command in all things (or something like that... it’d be good for me to see what this says) - yet it also says the Spirit will show you all things we must do. Is this something I can work towards / hope for / ask for?
2)Do I plan or not? When I was talking to my sister Ronell - I was telling her how I have felt the Lord guide me in my planning. And I do feel like He has done that. (there are also a lot of times when I spend so much time trying to fit it all in and it just doesn't seem to work, so I just do my best and then it doesn't hold - ) So, if the Lord can and does guide us in our planning as well as outside of it - then is it just a matter of preference? plan or don’t plan - either way God will guide us and it will work out? Or do we do both... plan (asking the Lord’s guidance) and be open to change.... or don’t plan unless the Spirit prompts me to.... ? ? ? ? It’s often difficult for me to put effort into a plan (hopefully inspired...) and then to not be so focused on the plan that anything else is regarded as a disruption... (maybe it is??)
What can I say?
Sunday, May 15, 2011
A nickel for my thoughts...
Welcome Rebecca, I think this evening was your first posting. I hope you'll introduce yourself and share what brings you to this challenge.
I've been praying since Dezra asked and I have found my requests for Heavenly Fathers help interesting on your behalf's. At times I feel sure what I should pray for. Not clear like a picture, but specific words have come to my mind, general words but somehow they feel right and then the next day it may be different for some and others it's still the same. I hope someone is feeling the added strength of prayers. Once I did have a strong feeling people were praying for me after a terrible post operative infection. It was a comforting feeling that came quickly and left too quickly.
My SGBD's...Yesterday I had a quick thought come into my mind that I should call the sisters at church whom I visit teach and try to visit them today, Sunday. I might have talked myself out of that prior to the challenge. This time I recognized this as a prompting and a right good one indeed. All my evenings are booked this week. I called and each said I could come. The best part was the desire I had to leave each sister with a prayer. I felt words come to my mind that I should say for each sister and the different situations they are in. It was a nice experience, it was a relief to be finished, and it was nice to talk and not feel rushed.
While attending church today, one of the speakers talked about consecrating our lives. I started to write in my commonplace book wondering how I might use my Say Go Be Dos to live a more fully consecrated life for our Lord. The example of the rich man in the bible was given and how it was too big of a cost to give up all the worldly riches he had. I think when I've been making excuses to act on these little daily prompting, I'm like that rich man saying it's too hard.
Following my SGBDs is consecrating my time towards the missions Heavenly Father and Jesus want me to move towards and into. Any one reading The Student Whisperer right now? Tiffany talks about getting on "The Path". When I am willing, open, receptive and acting upon my daily inspirations, I'm on The Path towards greatness. Even if the greatness is very very small, it's great that I'm moving in the right direction. What are my missions? To listen to the Lord in all things might be my biggest mission to learn. Gosh, can I take this challenge and turn it into a habit, daily? I know it can be done. Will I accept this type of consecration of my time, talents, energies? Stop being fearful and get out there and learn from mistakes and try it again. It's so crazy to say that I'm taking training this summer for Shakespeare. I don't know where this is going to lead me but I'm following a prompting and it's full of unknowns to me but not to the Lord. I think following my SGBDs is going to help increase my faith.
Have a save, enjoyable, peaceful week. Spring is so nice. Do you notice that the hills are alive with green? Love looking to the east and seeing those beautiful mountains. Take care everyone.
I didn't think until just now that the Lord probably would have taken care of it somehow... maybe He would have had me tell the others as well (but I had already hugged them and didn't get the same thought...) - or maybe they wouldn't have heard, or maybe they just wouldn't have cared - or.......
Regardless, I need to trust better... and the results of NOT telling her were probably more damaging than the things I imagined MIGHT have happened had I told her...
Just What I Need
Most of my SGBDs are in connection with this character flaw. I get them frequently throughout the day. Thoughts like: "Put the key back on the key ring." "Finish the job." "Put the ipod in the drawer." Sometimes I get lazy and decide to ignore them and I always pay. I think Heavenly Father is starting me out with small things to see if I can be trusted. I'm working on being a good steward of my home, my children, my marriage, my body and my finances.
Where is everybody???
- I was at park day with a bunch of other wonderful moms and children. Some child had left their razor scooter laying on the ground in the middle of all the action. I felt prompted to turn the handles flat, so they weren't poking up. So, I did.
- I have this neighbor who lives four houses down. I have lived here over 2 1/2 years. I have never met her. My children have met her, my husband has met her. They visit her every now and then. Her name is Eva and she is a widow. Why have I not met her???? So, my son goes over the other day and helps her work in the garden and around the house a bit. As a thank you, she makes us this incredible authentic chicken enchilada meal with rice and beans and fresh salsa--the REAL kind. I didn't have to make dinner that night. What a blessing! I thought, I really need to go introduce myself. Like I said, it was a crazy weekend. But, I got dressed nicely (after looking scummy all day with refinishing furniture) and loaded Avalon up in the stroller, loaded up all her washed dishes, and strolled down to her house. Eva was there and she is the most delightful person! She tries to stay busy with sewing for cancer patients (cute little turbans) and making baby quilts (for sale and for children in Africa). I can't wait to get to know her better! And, the best part? Before I left, I felt I should take her some of my homemade "healthy" chocolate. Just a few pieces. She about died. She says that chocolate is her PASSION and that she loves it and it just helps her make it through life, or something like that. She was very cute. I'm so glad I finally took the time to go and meet Eva.
- Not too many details here, but I am not normally a very "touchy-feely" type person. I'm trying to do better. I felt prompted to reach out and "touch" someone. Good things happened.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
A Not-so-fun Conversation
Praying for Your Enemies
Praying for Each Other
Stop, Listen, and Do
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Thank you ladies
Can you imagine not listening to these little prompting and those not so little SGBDs?
Thanks for the vision board info Dina. Thank you Bonnie for sharing your courage to do something out of your comfort zone.
I'm hanging in there. I feel like there are no prompting for me because I haven't made the time. I am most thankful for the time my husband is giving me to work on the basement rooms right now. I feel I need to be there to help him. I think we will be finished by Saturday night.
Looking forward to all the learning that is just ahead.
An Email
When I got home and upon reflection, I had a SGBD to email her and tell her how I REALLY see her. How strong and kind of a woman she is. How every time she teaches I have felt the Spirit and learned something. So I did! It felt so good to follow through with that one.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Here is my favorite one I acted on today. When we lived in New York, our chapel was 20 minutes from our home so anytime there was an activity we always carpooled. That was probably my favorite part of the activities since we had so much fun connecting with each other. I miss that. Today I had a SGBD to call all my neighbors and tell them I'd pick them up and take them the whole 2 blocks to church for a Relief Society meeting. Since it is still cool everyone drives anyway so I just picked everyone up on my street and then another sister who I visit teach that lives a mile or so away. We had so much fun chatting and getting to know each other better. I really needed to connect and I could feel that they did to.
Vision board??
I want to know more about this board. I feel like I could use vision right now. I've decided to not sweat over this week and my lack of promptings or rather my lack of recognizing prompting as I am not in my normal routine.
Welcome Bonnie.
It's good to read your post and feelings as well as learnings.
The Most Bizarre
Who knows the reason... I just know, I needed to do, so I painfully DID IT. I even managed to confess it to you.